Say No, No More

Beached. I think this song is deep. Never mind that it's from Di Caprio's The Beach movie! The song itself has substance. Music isn't bad either; it's perfect for a cruz or a long ride. You'll find yourself going with it. There's a certain mood for that kind of rythym.

Back to the song.
The song talks about paradise; about what paradise actually is, so to speak. Paradise is nowhere; paradise is what you feel at a certain point in time. You can't go around looking for it as a place that exists somewhere in specific. Paradise is more something you feel at a certain time. It's in that moment.

The song is really simple. No metaphors used, or pictures painted. No lyrics that make you gasp in awe 'how on earth did they say that so beautifully'. It's one of those WYSIWYG. Only this time it's what you hear, not see!
The reason am rambling about this song is this. It says something, in one verse. The kind of truth that stares you in the face, but you don't really see it. Then it hits you!

For bewildering reasons unknown to myself, it feels like now is the time to try new things, new experiences, no matter how minute or insignificant. This year 2008. Just go out there and do whatever.
Be open.
Because if you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what you've always got.
We all know how that ended.

But if you don't immediately say no. If you take a second before you speak your mind. If you look at people a little different. If you look beyond the obvious. If you look at them with an unbiased eye; no judging, no stereotyping. If you know when to leave. If you know when to be polite and say little. If you realize there is so much more beneath the dull surface. If you nudge that nagging feeling that scares you, and do it anyway. If you take a breath and just try. If you just do it.

There is a whole new world; waiting for you to experience. Full of new opportunities. New dimensions to explore and learn from - about yourself, about life, about others. New venues to take, and endless possibilities. New mistakes. New interests to pursue. As small as they may all seem, every little one of those tiny new experiences holds so much more. They add meaning and depth to your own life. A richer life.

Just my 2 cents!

Trust me
It's Paradise
This is where the hungry come to feed
For mine is a generation that circles the globe
in search of something we haven't tried before
so never refuse an invitation
never resist the unfamiliar
never fail to be polite
and never outstay your welcome

just keep your mind open and
suck in the experience
and if it hurts
you know what ...
it's probably worth it

~ Beached by Orbital

Ode to a Signature

A signature. My signature. Right below my name. Not the typical bank signature. It doesn't even say my name. It's an online signature - the one you add at the end of your emails. I think it was 6 or 7 years ago when I put that signature.

I hardly use that particular email, so naturally I completely forgot about that signature, until a few days ago. I was about to send a mail and I saw it. It really made me stop for a second or two. It was overwhelming.

You know how a picture sometimes captures a rare moment in our lives. Beautiful moments, of times that were wonderful, we were happy, having fun, surrounded by people we love. A pictures tell a story, at times a story bigger than what we originally experienced. All credit to small details. A moment or two in ridiculous outfits, doing the stupidest of things, caught by surprise in the spur of the moment. They didn't say the picture paints a thousand words for no reason.

It's just that I also believe in the power of the written word. It possesses a unique quality of its own - to hold bits and pieces of ourselves, our thoughts, our minds at a certain time and age.

Dance as if no one is watching you,
Love as if you've never been hurt before,

Sing as if no one can hear you,
Live as if heaven is on earth

Those words made up my signature. Those were words I literally lived by. That was me. My outlook on life. I believed in the good, in sunshine, and in happiness. I wore a smile at all times. I believed in myself, in following my dreams, in doing what I want, enjoying the moment, and not paying attention to people who despise you.

After initially being dumbfounded when I read my signature words, I went 'yaaaaaaaaaa'. Then I kind of smiled, and memories kept flooding in. There were glimpses of myself, in another world, living a different life. There were faces I had forgotten, battles I no longer fought, jokes that still made me laugh, issues I find irrelevant now and music I can't bring myself to talk about. Then came a sigh, and whole new meaning to the phrase life will never cease to amaze me.

That's who I was, a person who's passionate about life and living. It is who I am right now. That's who I'll become.

Worth mentioning, those three are not remotely related.

There is a Land ...

There is a land, not so far away, which goes by the name Las Procrastinata. It's a beautiful land, with lush greens, rich landscapes, cool blue waters, breath-taking scenery, gorgeous bright sunflowers and so much more for the eyes and soul to feast on. Sounds like a haven. Perfect escape to soothe our troubled minds.

Actually, in this incredibly spectacular land, I am the Queen.
I have an unwavering passion to procrastinate, and I do it ever so creatively. I have the power and unwise wisdom to find endless ways to spend the day doing an infinite number of things.Totally meaningless things, which happen to be very amusing, entertaining, time-consuming and thought provoking. Everything aside from what I need to get done. It is very nourishing to the soul. Never mind the deadlines, the plans you already made, the decisions you really have to think over and well, make, or the reports you need to focus on to prepare. Every single one of those can wait. I am fully engaged in giving new meaning and a world of definitions to wasting time.
And I do have the nerve to plead not guily this time. I do admit, as a Queen, I have truly enjoyed every single indulgence. A clear head, surprisingly, gets things done. As a Queen, I need to ensure my sanity remains -in the chaotic, insane, moving-at-warp-speed-ride we call life.

In reality though, isn't it ironic ( and maybe even an absurd paradox of some sort) how our mind tricks us at these critical times and takes us to other lands, where our wild thoughts run free and breathe, totally carefree, totally oblivious to the price(s) we eventually have to pay?

"Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill." ~ Christopher Parker

A Natural High

i have a secret.
I've slept like a little over 3 hours in the past 2 days. Nooo! That's not my secret! You'd think I'd be red eyed by now. all blurry and dead tired, walking like a zombie.
am not.
that's my secret.
i was all up nite, last nite, on one major adrenaline rush. literally, every brain cell in my body was wide awake. yup major insomnia! didn't bother me one bit tho. it's like somehow all of a sudden everything fell right back in place. just about everything.
i could breathe. i could smile, and laugh from my heart. i chatted the nite away with a friend, rambling and pondering about a billion things in life. i could've screamed and danced too.
and i felt light. i was light and i was thrilled. i had all those feel good vibes. amazingly ecstatic vibes. the ones that get you excited like a 6 year old when he got that gift that makes his eyeballs pop out.
and i was smiling all nite long.
my smile. the one that really shines my face, and brightens me up all over.
i was me .. misteca! once again.

I was on a natural high. natural intoxication believe it or not.
3mla dema3' wahm bs mn 3'er 7aga khales.

So why is it again that people get stoned? am not judging; it's their brain cells not mine they're killing. rite?

A Million Little Things

This initially was gonna be a blog about friends. i just have no words to speak.
Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things. ~ Author Unknown

it'll take more than one blog to talk about the million little things. one little thing here is a poem i wrote light years ago. and even tho am not that person anymore in so many ways, and i hardly remember those days, the words do linger.

One Of A Kind

Sometimes I sit & wonder how
I could have made it without you
I remember all those times you listened
& made me smile when I felt so blue
When I felt I had nowhere to turn
I knew I could turn to you
& although you couldn’t stop my pain
You still pulled me through
When my sun began to dim
You made me believe it will rise again,
When I felt all hope had gone
You showed me how to find it within
So if it all ends somehow
One thought still comes to mind…
The friendship we shared one day
is truly one of a kind.
~ misteca

A Wave of Emotions

And suddenly a curtain descends in front of your eyes. It traps your senses. Then a wave of emotions washes over you. Instinctively, you look around you. Everything appears like it was just a moment ago; nothing has changed even though you realize it is all so different now. What you see in front of you is nothing you want to embrace. So you walk away.

You feel an immense weight on your shoulders, slowing you down, holding you back. You sigh. You try to walk determined. There’s no more bounce in your step.

You take another sigh; and breathe in all the colors of life. When you open your eyes though, the colors wither away into hues of black and white. And you know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you lost that sparkle in your eyes. There is no warmth in your smile anymore.

A small thought begins to form in your head. What is this. Why is this? Forget what, just why. Why now.Why again. You know you’ve been here before, it is all too familiar. There is no denying the déjà vu.
You become acutely aware of a new crack. Sadly, it’s a crack in your soul; it tugs at you in all the wrong places. You feel the void. You can’t escape the taste the bitterness even if you tried. It contains you.

Irony of ironies is how emptiness can hurt, how nothingness can cause you pain.

Why again you wonder.
But is this really something you want to know. Will knowing the reason why make it go away? That’s what our futile minds believe in spite of ourselves.

I’ll save you the journey this time. The why lies in the profound meaning of a 4 syllable word we refer to as disappointment.

Oft expectation fails and most oft there
Where most it promises, and oft it hits

Where hope is coldest and despair most fits. ~ William Shakespeare

A Twist In Life

Life without hope is misery at its best. If there is nothing to make you want to get up in the morning; nothing to look forward to; everything you desire is beyond your reach; your dreams are fractured or lost. Sometimes you're the one that's lost. You have no idea what you want anymore, everything you love has gone away, you literally don't recognize what you have, you can't see it or appreciate it. You're confused, and wonder what you're really made of. What should you do, what should you become. Where do you go from here. Is there anywhere to go from here.You might try to look for answers. You might try to hide in the shadow. You deny what you feel, yet you feel you're drowning and there is no sign of shore.

Then life kicks in with its twisted sense of humor and offers us hope. It might come disguised. You don't see it. You can feel it though. You can even hear it. Just when you're determined to give up, to let go, to stop and admit you can't any longer, you hear a sound from some far away land whispering to you to try once more. The sound of hope. If you choose to listen to it, and find that strength inside you to try one more time, to swim your way out, you might make it to see the dawn.

Ah! I just spent amazing two hours laughing my heart out.

At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities. ~ Jean Houston

In Silence

Silence is deadly.
The silence before the storm.
Our inner silence.

In a truly rare moment, when there is just silence around you, you become aware of your own breathing. You feel your heart beating. Your consciousness rises to another level. You actually notice you're blinking. Your senses are so acute; picking up signals and glimpses of things around you haven't noticed before.
Yet silence numbs somehow. Silence awakens the senses yet it numbs you. It's like time stands still for that split second. You can move, but ure really immobile. You are numb. Numb while you listen to the silence.

In another kind of silence, so many words are spoken. In silence, we actually say something. The message is in that silence. It's just a message without words.
They say some things are better left unsaid. Are they?
Especially when the sound of their silence is defeaning and it's all you can hear?

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends ~ Martin Luther King, Jr

The Grand Jigsaw Puzzle

It just dawned on me that it is hard to try and make sense of things at times. Making sense is difficult. Why you may ask? You think it's simple. Nothing to it, right?. We have our logic to rely on. We do. But it still is exhausting. It's troubling and complicated. And worst of all, you don't always make sense of it. You keep goin over and over thru whatever it is that's on ure mind. Your mind spends endless hours running around in circles, struggling to figure it out. Searching for a reason; to comprehend really.To know why. To touch upon some divine wisdom and understand. You think you got it, but.. But there's always something missing. It doesn't make sense!
All your thoughts are like small bits and pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The grand jigsaw puzzle of life perhaps. But no one has all the pieces. Or the insight to know how to put them together. We try. We think we're smart. We think we know. We know how to put the interlocking pieces together, to make a picture of some sort. We pride ourselves on our impressive victory. We smile, we rejoice in our make-believe triumph. The pieces of the puzzle actually make sense; to our mediocre minds. We did manage to assemble the pieces. The challenge has beed resolved. In our minds we see a picture. Whatever it may be. The pieces fell in place and produced a collage. We try to relate to the collage in front of us. We relate by transforming the collage into something that exists in our world. Something we recognize.The collage becomes an image. We decide to make sense of that depiction. That's what it means. It makes sense. We understand what it means. It makes sense. We find relief in that revelation.
Little do we know of the reality of the grand jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle which holds our thoughts, our questions, our concerns, our worries, our hopes, our dreams, our fears, our experiences, our awareness, our intellect - all in an infinite number of small oddly-shaped pieces. This puzzle might take a lifetime to complete.
No one has all the answers. As we go through the circle of life, we live and learn. We learn to interpret the pieces of the puzzle life presents for ourselves. It's our own way of making sense of things. Little do we realize, if we ever do, that it is only our own way.

It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err. ~ Mohandas K. Gandhi

Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.' ~ Charles M. Schultz